Hey everyone! It's definetely been longer than i had planned to... Oh well, I'm a procastinator at its finest and now that it's school break, I have nothing forcing me stop :P. Speaking of procastination, I found something pretty cool.. It's a google chrome app, I use it on Mozilla Firefox cuz i prefer it as a browser but still it's helping me get some things done off my "to do list" : http://tomorrow.do/ Basically you create a to do list but are able to move things for tomorrow lol for procastinators like me i think it's pretty great. And when you see on your do (tomorrow) list a list of things you wanna blog about, well then it's time to get here and write it all down!
On the socializing department: July9 was a holiday here (our independence day) so that meant I worked monday, got tuesday off and then went back to work for the rest of the week. Monday was also the last day in B.A for one of my closest Californian friends.. so off we went to his farewell party.. I gotta say it's not like I haven't been out completely lately, I do go to my friend's bar for a drink or something like that like once a week but to be out on a HUGE pubcrawl with a bunch of friends (like 15) that I haven't seen in months and THEN hit a disco.. well that was something!! I really missed crazy nights like that, dance till you drop jaja find everything funny, hug your friends a million times.
That was the happy part of it, but then it came the sad part of the night, that was letting go of a really good friend. On tuesday he went back to Cali after living here for 3 years. The amount of sick crazy memories we have i can not even begin to explain LOL, so many things.. and just hugging him knowing we wont see each other in probably a really long time (if not ever again =/) That was really tough. To be honest, I've seen many friends come and go and sometimes go and never return, it's something that's bound to happen when your friends are not from the same place you are from. It happened to me to find just the best friend in the world, share everything but know she's only here for an internship and once that ends I'll never see her again. Happened many times, i thought i was sort of used to it and see this one going wouldn't affect me so much..

Day 2: We went ladies night style with a Colombian friend I haven't seen in like 3 months.. She's leaving for vacations to colombia soon so we did the crawling through bars and hit the hip hop club YES!!! It was great, we laughed a lot, we didn't drink sooo much, we had fun making fun of guys (specially me) jajaja It got us a pretty nice ego boost :)
And that was it for the socializing aspect of my life, I know I can't afford to go out hardcore like that as often as i used to and it's probably fine because going out like that throws me off on many other things (like diet and exercise jajajaja yeap) but it was fun :) and i do hope i get to do it a bit more often than i did in the past couple of months :)
That's it for this blog.. Trying to take it one topic at a time,so it's not tooooo long. Sometimes nothing feels better and more comforting than a good hug from a good friend.
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