Does it ever happen to you that all your greatest ideas pop in your head at the most untimming moment?
It's been happening to me lately that I come up with things to say that I consider interesting or fun to talk about on this blog when I'm on a bus, or in the bathroom, or taking a shower or already in bed jajaj you get the picture.. Same thing goes with choreographies.. most my choreographies I've created based on ideas i got while playing the song on the subway or bus, doing movements in my head or mini-moving lol i'm sure it shows and other people think i'm crazy but yea.. that's how I roll..

Oh well i guess the point of this blog is saying that I think about blogging way more than what I actually blog. I say "oh there's the come back of "who's line is it anyway"! i can talk about that! there's the new season of So you think you can dance, another thing to rant about :P , my ballet classes and there approach that's almost opposite to what i've been told to do for over a million years :P I'm sure any ballerina reading (not that much people read this) would find it interesting, along with the lyrical jazz being more and more awesome everyday :P There's recipes.. Fitness before and after documentation.. Philosophy related stuff :P, and how male friends that call me "love" everytime we're chatting on fb freak the hell out of me LOL OMG I NEED TO STOP! (yes grammar take that! longest sentece ever!)
It's gonna be another weekend stuck inside studying so, don't expect any of those ideas to materialize.. or do.. I don't know. My coffee machine broke yesterday I AM DOOOOOMED!! =((
//Rant off//