I'm Annie, I'm 28 years old. I'm an Argentinian who's very fond of the english language. I'm a dancer, and I'm currently back at University so maybe one day (hopefully soon) I can have my degree and proudly say I'm a licensed choreographer in ballet, modern and musical theatre.. That'll include some singing lessons! LOL boy oh boy..

I'm hoping these blog entries will be more related to:
*Eating healthy (maybe some food pics :P)
*Enjoying exercise and exercise progress (a.k.a me being proud of new muscles and showing them off in pics too)
*Maybe some stuff about Argentina, pics of places I love.. you know.. all things landscape-y and nature like
*Whatever I might have to say that day.
*Music, photography and art in general :)
This is me. I'm trying to turn my life around towards a more positive one. :) I don't expect much people to read this, I write mostly for myself. But if someone is indeed reading.. THANKS! :)